Any search for help with the problem of foot odor always turns up boat-loads of sites that have various and assorted recommendations which always include washing your feet. No one should have to be told to wash their feet. We all know that. Obviously that isn't enough or there wouldn't be so many people with the problem, and there wouldn't be so many websites claiming to be able to solve the problem. For $20-30 plus a visit to a physician.
If you would like a solution to the problem for $4.97, you can click on the Paypal button below, or visit for more information.
Remember that:
1) I am not a medical professional. I am just a mom who has discovered something that really works!
Ask your podiatrist or dermatologist if you have any doubts, reservations or questions.
2) If your foot odor problem has not improved, I will refund your money after 15 days.