Saturday, May 23, 2009


Teenagers stress about everything, but especially things to do with their bodies. They think they are too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too whatever. Their hair is not the right color, not the right texture, not the right length, not the right thickness, just not right.

They think they need braces when they don't. They think there is something terribly wrong with them because their bodies are not perfectly symmetrical and don't want to listen when told that everyone's bodies are asymmetrical.

They look around them and decide someone else is always better looking, smarter, more skilled, etc.

They think everyone is looking at them even if no one really is. To say they are self conscious is quite the understatement.

So you can just imagine the total mortification a teenager would suffer if they really did have stinky feet.

I can't fix any of the previously mentioned causes of angst, but I can get rid of the stinky feet.

Wouldn't it be great to really and truly not have to stress about that?

No more stinky feet. One less thing to worry about.

Stop Stinky Feet NOW for more information