One thing you need to understand is the difference between curing the problem and controlling the problem. A cure means the symptoms are gone because the cause of the symptoms is gone. Diseases can be cured, but no matter how much we would like a cure for foot odor, there isn't one.
HOWEVER, it can be controlled so very easily and inexpensively. If you can't wait to get started getting your foot odor problem under control, click on the Paypal button below. For only $4.97 you will get the best method I have ever found for keeping foot odor away. You will also get a free bonus skin care hint.
Why so little? Because I want it to be affordable to everyone. Even if you can’t afford a computer and you are reading this at work or in the library, you can afford this.
Why not just round it off to $5? For some reason, everyone who offers anything on the internet ends it with “97.” I have absolutely no idea why, but who am I to rock the boat? It must work, so $4.97 it is.
However, if you really feel you must spend $20 or $30, try my method for $4.97 and donate the rest to charity. I recommend World Vision and Samaritan's Purse.
Remember that:
1) I am not a medical professional. I am just a mom who has discovered something that really works! Ask your podiatrist or dermatologist if you have any doubts, reservations or questions.
2) If your foot odor problem has not improved, I will refund your money after 15 days.
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