It occurred to me that after doing all that, you put clean dry odor-free feet into clean dry odor-free socks into clean dry odor-free shoes.
Of course your feet don't stink!
The stinky feet problem becomes apparent later when you take your shoes off. Your shoes are no longer clean, dry and odor free, your socks are no longer clean, dry or odor free, and your feet are no longer clean, dry or odor free.
Everything stinks!
Your ultimate goal is to stop stinky feet so that when you take your shoes and socks off, they are still odor free.
The problem is the foot washing ritual is necessary but not sufficient. If it were sufficient your feet would still be odor free when you take your shoes off. That you are reading this post tells me that either for you or for someone you know, that is not the case.
For a safe, effective, and inexpensive sure-fire way to have odor free feet when you take your shoes OFF, visit Stop Stinky Feet!

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