Stinky feet can be a problem for some kids as early as infancy. Initially most moms don't consider it to be that big of a deal. After all, other parts of an infant have a reputation for being much more stinky than the baby's feet!
However, as your child grows older, the stinky feet problem only gets worse. By the time your child enters school those stinky feet become the source of teasing and ridicule resulting in embarrassment and humiliation.
The smell of stinky feet is offensive to almost everyone. Kids pick up on the reactions of others, and become self-conscious about their stinky feet. For many kids, all the hygiene in the world will not make that funky stinky feet odor go away.
They wash their feet daily, sometimes several times a day, before and after school. They wear clean absorbent socks and rotate their shoes to let their shoes air out between each wearing, but NOTHING seems to work. They dread gym class. They dread sleepovers. They dread sitting around watching TV. They dread riding home in the car with others after playing sports.
They dread being made fun of.
They would do anything to not have stinky feet.
So what are some of the methods people have suggested to help get rid of that stinky feet odor?
- Wash your feet several times a day. This is NOT practical for anyone who is not home all day.
- Change your socks and even your shoes during the day. This is not practical, either.
- Soak your feet in tea. I would think this would stain your skin, and I can't imagine a kid sitting around soaking his or her feet every night. Not practical.
- Soak your feet in vodka! Some would say that would be a waste of vodka while others would balk of the whole idea.
- Soak your feet in a weak bleach solution. That CANNOT be safe!
- Soak your feet in any number of home brewed concocted solutions.
- Buy some expensive product from someone's website. Buy more of it next month if it works.
As you can see, the above methods are impractical at best and downright dangerous at worst. They can be and often are very pricey.
Not only that, there is no guarantee they will even work!
But there is hope!
For a safe, effective, family friendly, inexpensive, money-back guaranteed method of controlling foot odor and totally eliminating the embarrassment it causes, visit

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