There were some really scary suggestions, let me tell ya.
Making a toddler sit still and soak their feet in some concoction made of tea or vodka (!) or bleach ( ! ! ) or anything else ain't gonna happen. And it shouldn't happen.
Kids should not have stinky feet, but some of them do, and sometimes from a very early age. Because other kids can be so very cruel, it is imperative that parents find a way to help their kids overcome this foot odor problem.
Some adults were writing in with some stories as well, such as mandatory work shoes causing odor, or being embarrassed to remove shoes in front of friends or family, or visiting homes where it is expected that you remove your shoes.
All of that could get very embarrassing and maybe even curtail your social life.
It doesn't have to be this way. Visit Stop Stinky Feet for a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to end your foot odor problem for good!

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