One poor kid put up a fuss because he had stinky feet and didn't want to take his shoes off. Instead of tactfully switching gears and allowing him to keep his shoes on if he wanted to, or making shoe removal a choice, the teacher ridiculed the poor kid in front of everyone!
She told him he couldn't have stinky feet because he was just a kid, and who knows what else.
I was appalled she would post for all the world to see not only how ignorant she was (and probably still is) as well as how insensitive she was (or is) and how she seemed to think it was OK to humiliate the poor kid.
I wish I knew where she taught so I could warn others what to expect.
Unfortunately there are far too many cruel and insensitive adults in the lives of kids who could really use a caring adult to provide support and guidance, whether about foot odor or some other issue.
Don't risk subjecting your child to the ridicule of adults or other children over something as easily preventable as foot odor.
Visit Stop Stinky Feet for more information.
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