That shouldn't surprise anyone.
What is kind of surprising to me is how many ways people come up with to keep their shoes from stinking.
It's really very simple: Stinky feet => stinky shoes => stinky feet. It's a vicious cycle that needs to be broken.
Many remedies seem to focus on putting something in your shoes, either while you're wearing them or after you take them off. Putting something in your shoes while you are wearing them can't help but alter the fit in some way, because whatever you put in takes up space. To me, that either means they didn't fit well before you put something extra in and now they do, or they fit fine before you put something extra in, and now they don't fit anymore.
Putting something into your shoes after you take them off may absorb the odor, but only temporarily.
To keep your shoes from stinking, you have to keep your feet from stinking. There is no other way to eliminate the problem.
Discover the safe, effective, simple, easy, inexpensive way to eliminate foot odor and therefore shoe odor with this one addition to your morning routine. You will absolutely love how easy this is and how well it works!
Visit Stop Stinky Feet NOW for more information
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