Saturday, August 08, 2009

Stop Stinky Feet!

No Stinky Feet Allowed At The Beach!

Warning: Sweaty Summer Feet are Sweaty Stinky Feet!

You might not be able to keep your feet cool, and you might not be able to keep your feet dry, but you can keep your feet from being stinky!

Visit Stop Stinky Feet NOW for information on how one safe, simple, quick, and inexpensive step in your morning routine will keep your feet odor free all summer long!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

How To Prevent Foot Odor

Wash your feet at least once a day.

Stop wasting your time wandering all over the internet looking for miracles and finding only dangerous or ineffective methods.

Visit Stop Stinky Feet to find a safe effective inexpensive guaranteed way to stopping stinky feet in their tracks.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Quick And Convenient Foot Odor Remedy

Stop Stinky FeetLooking for a quick and convenient home remedy for foot odor that is guaranteed to work or your money back?

Don't want to spend time sitting around soaking your feet in tea or anything else?

Visit Stop Stinky Feet! You'll be glad you did!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Wearing Shoes Without Socks Makes For Stinky Feet

It's summer time and you might be tempted to put your bare feet into shoes because socks are old fashioned and they're too hot anyway.
Recipe for disaster.
One of the quickest ways to produce stinky feet AND stinky shoes is to not bother with socks.
Don't do it.
If your summer time feet still need help remaining odor free, click on over to Stop Stinky Feet. There you will find the info you need.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Feet Can Be Stinky Feet

How can that be? Don’t feet stink because they are encased in shoes?

Not exactly. Shoes make the situation worse, but don’t actually cause the stinky feet problem.

Feet stink because they produce a lot of sweat which is eaten by the bacteria that thrive naturally on everyone’s feet. Lots of bacteria feeding on lots of sweat excrete lots of waste and it’s the waste that’s stinky.

Even bare feet can get sweaty and grow a bumper crop of bacteria which can result in stinky summer feet.

Because so many people wear sandals or even flip-flops in the summer, there is no hiding from those stinky feet. Everyone around you will be able to pinpoint the source of the offensive odor.

Don't let this embarrassing moment happen to you.
Visit Stop Stinky Feet NOW for information on how keep your feet odor free all summer long!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Stinky Feet On National TV!

The Fox News Channel morning show, Fox & Friends, has a feature in which each hour of the program has a different slogan sent in by a viewer.

The other day one went something like, "If you don't watch Fox News I'll come to your house and take off my shoes."

Somebody's feet smell so bad the stench can be used as a threat? On national television? On the top rated morning cable news show?


Those are some seriously stinky feet!

They gave the contributor's name and where the contributor was from. Most people don't want that sort of personal information made public, but I guess this guy (I think it was a guy) didn't care.

If you would rather your feet not stink that badly or at all, visit
Stop Stinky Feet NOW for the information you need!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Stinky Feet At The Airport Security Checkpoint

Leavin' On A Jet Plane?  Leave Your STINKY FEET Behind!If you have flown anywhere recently you know that you have to remove your shoes before going through the airport security checkpoint. If you have stinky feet, that is NOT a good way to start your trip.

But it gets worse. You have to place your stinky shoes in the plastic bin, and place the plastic bin on the conveyor belt which is off the floor and at least two feet closer to everyone else's noses! If there are kids in line behind you, your stinky shoes may actually be at nose level to them. As the awful stench wafts upward into their nostrils, the kids in all their brutal honesty may very well blurt out, "EEWW! What's that smell?" Or, "Mom, those shoes in front of ours STINK!"

Worse than that, the TSA agent many actually have to (ACK) touch your shoes!

Can you feel your face turning red at the very thought?

Don't let this embarrassing moment happen to you. Visit Stop Stinky Feet NOW and discover the quick, easy, simple, inexpensive, safe and convenient way to eliminate your foot odor problem! No Problem with airport security here!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Control Foot Odor

I read a recent article that was flawed in many ways. Without going into detail let's just say it was embarrassingly poorly written.

While the article made some good points such as wearing footwear that breathes can help reduce odor, there was also a lengthy discussion of the same old tired methods of washing and drying and assorted deodorants, etc.

What was more than a bit frightening was the suggestion of running a weak electric current through the water in which you are soaking your feet!

Remember all those things you can use to soak your feet? Things like tea, vodka and chlorine bleach? Things that range from useless to downright dangerous?

Supposedly the electric current shuts down your sweat glands for awhile.

Ya think?

Hopefully it wouldn't shut YOU down permanently! Remember those old warnings about not dropping your hair drier, a curling iron, or a radio into the bathtub? There is a really good reason for those warnings!

You can file this method right there with the idea of soaking your feet in chlorine bleach. Don't even think of doing it.

For a SAFE, simple, and effective way to really control foot odor, visit Stop Stinky Feet NOW!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Teenagers stress about everything, but especially things to do with their bodies. They think they are too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too whatever. Their hair is not the right color, not the right texture, not the right length, not the right thickness, just not right.

They think they need braces when they don't. They think there is something terribly wrong with them because their bodies are not perfectly symmetrical and don't want to listen when told that everyone's bodies are asymmetrical.

They look around them and decide someone else is always better looking, smarter, more skilled, etc.

They think everyone is looking at them even if no one really is. To say they are self conscious is quite the understatement.

So you can just imagine the total mortification a teenager would suffer if they really did have stinky feet.

I can't fix any of the previously mentioned causes of angst, but I can get rid of the stinky feet.

Wouldn't it be great to really and truly not have to stress about that?

No more stinky feet. One less thing to worry about.

Stop Stinky Feet NOW for more information

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stinky Shoes

People with stinky feet often complain about having stinky shoes.

That shouldn't surprise anyone.

What is kind of surprising to me is how many ways people come up with to keep their shoes from stinking.

It's really very simple: Stinky feet => stinky shoes => stinky feet. It's a vicious cycle that needs to be broken.

Many remedies seem to focus on putting something in your shoes, either while you're wearing them or after you take them off. Putting something in your shoes while you are wearing them can't help but alter the fit in some way, because whatever you put in takes up space. To me, that either means they didn't fit well before you put something extra in and now they do, or they fit fine before you put something extra in, and now they don't fit anymore.

Putting something into your shoes after you take them off may absorb the odor, but only temporarily.

To keep your shoes from stinking, you have to keep your feet from stinking. There is no other way to eliminate the problem.

Discover the safe, effective, simple, easy, inexpensive way to eliminate foot odor and therefore shoe odor with this one addition to your morning routine. You will absolutely love how easy this is and how well it works!

Visit Stop Stinky Feet NOW for more information

Friday, May 15, 2009

Foot Odor Causes Embarrassment For Child

I read a blog post awhile ago where a teacher wanted the children to sit on the floor and take their shoes off. I don't know why removing shoes was part of the deal - maybe just to be more comfortable. As I said, I don't know.

One poor kid put up a fuss because he had stinky feet and didn't want to take his shoes off. Instead of tactfully switching gears and allowing him to keep his shoes on if he wanted to, or making shoe removal a choice, the teacher ridiculed the poor kid in front of everyone!

She told him he couldn't have stinky feet because he was just a kid, and who knows what else.

I was appalled she would post for all the world to see not only how ignorant she was (and probably still is) as well as how insensitive she was (or is) and how she seemed to think it was OK to humiliate the poor kid.

I wish I knew where she taught so I could warn others what to expect.

Unfortunately there are far too many cruel and insensitive adults in the lives of kids who could really use a caring adult to provide support and guidance, whether about foot odor or some other issue.

Don't risk subjecting your child to the ridicule of adults or other children over something as easily preventable as foot odor.

Stop Stinky Feet for more information.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Prevent Foot Odor

An Ounce of Prevention

There is a commercial running on TV right now, proclaiming Imodium to be the solution for gastrointestinal issues such as cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

These are common problems and the makers of Imodium hope to sell a lot of product with this commercial.

The makers of Imodium most likely would prefer that the general population NOT find out that if they stop eating gluten (the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley) there is a very good chance all those symptoms would go away and they would never need to buy Imodium or any other product to control them.

In other words, people can PREVENT symptoms with a few basic changes.

As someone who is gluten-intolerant, trust me when I tell you that although the gluten free diet is simple, it is not necessarily easy, especially at first. More than well worth it however, in case you were wondering!

HOWEVER, my method for preventing stinky feet is simple, easy, safe, inexpensive, convenient, and most of all, EFFECTIVE.

STOP STINKY FEET from happening in the first place and stop spending money on expensive products and unsafe time-consuming messy procedures designed to deal with the problem after the fact.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Golden Rule - Shopping For Shoes When You Have Stinky Feet

As part of The Sermon On The Mount, found in the Biblical Book of Matthew, chapters 5-7, we find a little verse (7:12) that tells us: "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

In Luke 6:31, we find the same concept phrased this way: "And just as you want men to do to you, also do to them likewise."

We have dubbed this concept "The Golden Rule."

So what does this have to do with shoe shopping and stinky feet? Unless you shop at a store that features prompt and courteous self service, a store employee will assist you in selecting, trying on, and fitting your shoes. That employee will have to be up close and personal with your feet. If your feet are stinky . . . . .

You get the picture.

Visit Stop Stinky Feet so you don't subject another person to your stinky feet.

No matter what kind of store you shop in, putting your stinky feet into a shoe that will be tried on and/or purchased by someone else is just wrong.

Stop Stinky Feet so you don't subject another person to your stinky feet.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stinky Baby Feet

I remember an episode of The Bill Cosby Show where his TV wife Clair wanted another baby because there is just something about that baby smell that moms find irresistible.

The trouble with that is cute baby feet sometimes grow up to smell anything but cute.

They can smell AWFUL!

If you discover that is happening to your baby's feet, or if that has happened to YOUR feet, don't just sit there!

Visit Stop Stinky Feet and find out what to DO about it!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Say It Ain't So!

I have seen a few articles that drop hints about certain Hollywood personalities having stinky feet.

Talk about having no privacy! Is nothing sacred?

You would think that with all that money they would find a way to get rid of mundane mortal ailments like stinky feet!

But wait!

You don't need all that Hollywood money to get rid of stinky feet! You just need the method I found, and it costs so very little that everybody can afford it!

Too bad none of those Hollywood types with stinky feet have searched for Stop Stinky Feet. They need the help and I could use the endorsement! (Shameless plug, I know!)

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Causes Foot Odor?

The cause of foot odor is really quite simple.

Certain bacteria living and multiplying on sweaty feet while feeding on dead kin cells shed from those same sweaty feet produce that awful stinky feet smell.

In order to prevent foot odor, you need to break that chain of events.

Visit Stop Stinky Feet for more information on just how to do that.

You will be amazed and delighted at how easy and inexpensive it is.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rotten Sneaker Contest

The annual Rotten Sneaker Contest was held recently and won by a seven year old boy.

For being the proud owner of the worst smelling shoes, he won a whopping $2500!

And how did his shoes come to smell worse than everybody else's, you might well ask?

Most likely because his feet smelled worse than everybody else's.

This kid is only seven! What happens when he becomes a teenager?

Yes he won $2500 with his stinky feet and shoes, but the rest of you just lose friends because of yours.

Stop Stinky Feet to find out how to give your stinky shoes the boot!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Remedy For Stinky Feet

Have you ever heard of the concept that the remedy for a problem or even a disease is actually worse than the problem or disease itself?
I keep thinking just exactly this while all those TV commercials for an endless assortment of pharmaceuticals invade my living room, but that's another issue.

As far as a remedy or solution for stinky feet goes, I recently read two different articles claiming that two different commonly sold botanical oils would eliminate a stinky feet problem. I live where one of those trees grows, and have smelled products made with the other one.

Both oils STINK! They smell AWFUL! They actually can make my eyes water!

Trust me when I tell you that they will NOT solve your stinky feet problem. The best they can offer is to cover up one very strong penetrating odor with another one. You could even wind up with a blend!


Visit Stop Stinky Feet for a REAL remedy to solve your foot odor problems!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stinky Feet Stinking Up Your Car?

The calendar says it's spring, and in most parts of the country the signs are everywhere. Those hikers, bikers, runners, and other athletic sorts who have been cooped up all winter just can't wait to get out there and take up their favorite activity again.

Unfortunately for some, when they return to the car and take off their shoes or boots for the ride home, they are greeted with that awful stench of stinky feet that reminds no one of spring flowers.
Even worse, the stinky feet stench stays behind in the car and seems to just get worse and worse if the car is parked in the sun.

What to do - What to do.

This scenario doesn't have to happen.

Visit Stop Stinky Feet to learn how you can keep you feet, your shoes and maybe even your car odor free!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

According to UPI, a Dutch college student who was banned from attending university classes a decade ago (!) because of his stinky feet has won his fight to resume attending classes.

No mention was made as to whether or not he had corrected the problem but I suspect he has not because according to the article others in the classroom were expected to "hold their noses" and deal with it.

Not only that, the school has changed its policy and now issues fines to stinky students instead of kicking them out!

Good Grief. What a ridiculous non-solution to an easily resolved problem.

Visit Stop Stinky Feet to see what this student *should* have done a decade ago!

Stop Stinky Feet

Someone recently wrote into a health column seeking help for sweaty stinky feet. The suggestion was to apply underarm deodorant to the feet because it had worked for another column reader.

HOWEVER it was also pointed out that some people who apply antiperspirants to their feet report less sweating and therefore fewer blisters, but more skin irritation!

No one has reported any skin irritation with my remedy to Stop Stinky Feet.

Click here for more information!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Help For Your Kid's Stinky Feet

Stinky feet can be a problem for some kids as early as infancy. Initially most moms don't consider it to be that big of a deal. After all, other parts of an infant have a reputation for being much more stinky than the baby's feet!

However, as your child grows older, the stinky feet problem only gets worse. By the time your child enters school those stinky feet become the source of teasing and ridicule resulting in embarrassment and humiliation.

The smell of stinky feet is offensive to almost everyone. Kids pick up on the reactions of others, and become self-conscious about their stinky feet. For many kids, all the hygiene in the world will not make that funky stinky feet odor go away.

They wash their feet daily, sometimes several times a day, before and after school. They wear clean absorbent socks and rotate their shoes to let their shoes air out between each wearing, but NOTHING seems to work. They dread gym class. They dread sleepovers. They dread sitting around watching TV. They dread riding home in the car with others after playing sports.

They dread being made fun of.

They would do anything to not have stinky feet.

So what are some of the methods people have suggested to help get rid of that stinky feet odor?

  • Wash your feet several times a day. This is NOT practical for anyone who is not home all day.
  • Change your socks and even your shoes during the day. This is not practical, either.
  • Soak your feet in tea. I would think this would stain your skin, and I can't imagine a kid sitting around soaking his or her feet every night. Not practical.
  • Soak your feet in vodka! Some would say that would be a waste of vodka while others would balk of the whole idea.
  • Soak your feet in a weak bleach solution. That CANNOT be safe!
  • Soak your feet in any number of home brewed concocted solutions.
  • Buy some expensive product from someone's website. Buy more of it next month if it works.

As you can see, the above methods are impractical at best and downright dangerous at worst. They can be and often are very pricey.

Not only that, there is no guarantee they will even work!

But there is hope!

For a safe, effective, family friendly, inexpensive, money-back guaranteed method of controlling foot odor and totally eliminating the embarrassment it causes, visit

Stop Stinky Feet

Stop Stinky Feet

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Do Your Feet Stink Bad?

Sing to the tune of "Do your ears hang low"

Do your feet stink bad?
Do they make your family mad?
Can you clear out every room
Leaving you alone and sad?
Do you think there's no solution
For your home grown air pollution?
Do your feet stink bad?

If this describes you or someone you know, there is a solution!

For a sure-fire way to Stop Stinky Feet dead in their tracks, visit Stop Stinky Feet for a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to end your foot odor problem for good!

Stop Stinky Feet